‘All men die, . . .not all men really live’. Davie did. He truly lived his life. He was a big man with a big heart, he was kind and giving. In living his life the way he did he touched and inspired many people, bringing a sense of himself into their lives. Through Davie just being, an abundance of friendships and alliances have been formed – one of his many legacies. He loved his country with all his heart and soul, his passion was the very fabric of who he was, therefore, the ‘David R. Ross Memorial Fund’ has been set up to aid in the conclusion of some the work Davie was involved in prior to his death.
Davie achieved many things in his life, however, he felt that the 23rd of August 2005 was the most important day of his life in relation to his work for his culture and his country. That was the day, that after 700 years,
Wallace finally had his funeral service ‘with a coffin there to symbolically capture his spirit’. Wallace’ spirit and coffin’ containing many personal messages left by his countrymen’ was brought home.
We stopped at Gretna, taking the coffin to the top of the banking before opening it to allow Wallace’ spirit to look across the Solway to where Longshanks died. Davie’s aspiration was that the coffin would eventually
come to rest in St Kentigerns in Lanark where it would be on display under glass as part of the Wallace trail. Sadly, that dream was never realised. It pained Davie greatly every time he looked at or thought about the coffin sitting in storage. He felt he had let Wallace and his countrymen down. Therefore, monies raised through his memorial fund will be used to realise Davie’s dream of finding the coffin an appropriate home.
Plans were very much in the making for 2014 at Bannockburn. Davie’s vision was of people coming from all over Scotland and beyond, walking onto the field of Bannockburn to celebrate this great historical day. We will work towards making that dream a reality and creating our own wee bit of history with David R. Ross in the forefront of our minds and in our hearts.
Those are the two key areas that the money raised through the memorial trust will be spent on. If you would like to make a donation to the David R. Ross memorial fund the details of the account are:
Miss K Ross & Ms S Mackinnon
Account Number: 00648868
Sort Code: 831807
Home Branch: Dumfries Whitesands
