What we need is for you to pass this information to all your friends, family members, work colleagues, put it on your Facebook, Twitter etc so that we can get as many votes as possible. The winner is decided by a public phone vote, the phone number will not be made available to us until 9am on the day from this link below, from the T.V as well as having it on this page.
This competition will be on the T.V on June 29th and the lines will be open until midnight. Calls will cost you 11p from a landline and any number can make up to 10 calls, so please vote for us ten times in order to give us a better chance of winning, this will be the best spent �1.10 ever for the Taigh Sgire
For people on an Island like North Uist it is essential to have communal buildings like this, as they are the heart and soul of their community. It is different for us who live near to towns or cities where we are spoilt by choice of numerous amenities. In this case, without the help and support they need from people to win this competition, it could be the difference between the life or death of this community.